Imbolc ceremony to connect with your inner child
Time is TBD
Spring is upon us! What a good time to send our intentions for new beginnings and refreshed energies
Time & Location
Time is TBD
Online, Mexico City
About the event
In the old Celtic tradition it is Imbolc time: the celebration of Brigid, Goddess of healing, of new beginnings and renewal. Together we will invoke the sacred wheel of the year and we will learn to craft our own Brighde doll and dedicate it to the intentions of our future projects.
We will need 4 candles for the invocation of the sacred wheel of the year. Wear comfortable clothes, prefeably white (with red details if you want). Please prepare the needed material to craft your Brighde doll: scraps of fabrics, buttons, sharpies, a sewing kit and scissors. We will play as and with our children and rediscover the pleasure of spending an easy time storytelling and handcrafting!